Personal Transformation

Don’t have time to meditate?

I understand. We all have very busy lives, so I’ve designed these short meditations to fit into your active life. By creating time, you give yourself an opportunity connect with your body and be more present, enabling you to calm your emotions and reset. The result is, you create more space to work more efficiently in a calm and more connected way.

How best to meditate? Sitting can keep you more alert; however, you may prefer to lay down as well. If you choose to sit, find a good posture, with back straight and shoulders down. In both positions, experience a relaxed face, take a deep breath and begin to feel the area where you are laying or sitting. In this process of making yourself comfortable, you are inviting your body to join you into a meditative state.  When you feel settled in, press play and follow the sound of my voice. Meditation Music - Courtesy of Susan Morse.

The following Somatic Series will connect you with your body which will enable you to be in the present moment.

Five Senses Meditation

Experience the depths of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching, delving into both cherished memories and the present moment.

Heart Center Meditation

Explore the wisdom of the heart and experience profound peace and serenity that is always available within each one of us.

Lung Health Meditation

Enjoy gentle breathing exercises and soothing visualizations, promoting deep relaxation and awareness for lung health.

The following Emotional Series will help you calm your heart & mind helping you move through emotions with more ease.

Relieve Anxiety Meditation

Designed to shift perspective around anxiety, offering a tool to discover new perspectives for well-being.

Credit for this technique goes to one of my incredible teachers, Melissa Tiers

Calm Fear Meditation

Explore inner and personal growth. Together we discover how to face fear with mindful acceptance, unlocking a sense of peace & openness. 

How did these meditations feel for you?

Please feel free to share these with others. You can also comment directly on SoundCloud or email me below to make specific requests for the kind of meditations you need & please stay tuned for more meditations coming soon!

“To live true we need to awaken self-compassion and love ourselves into healing” ~ Tara Brach